Bits and Bytes

Notes from the deviant pursuits of a technical vagrant

Installing And Configuring PostgreSQL And Libpqxx On Ubuntu


To install the packages needed (including the postgres server [1], client and libpqxx), enter the following at a prompt:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpqxx-4.0 libpq-dev libpqxx-dev

Database Configuration

This process was found on the Ubuntu Documentation site [2].

Edit the /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf file, changing:

#listen_addresses = 'localhost'


listen_addresses = '*'

Next, change the psql password of the 'postgres' user, entering the following at a prompt:

sudo -u postgres psql template1  
template1=# ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password 'your_password';

Next, edit the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf file, changing:

local all postgres peer


local all postgres md5

Next, restart the PostreSQL service, entering the following at a prompt:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service

Creating a Database for Testing

Enter the following command at a prompt, afterwards providing the password for the postgres user configured earlier, to create a new database called 'db_test':

sudo -u postgres psql db_test

Here I create a new table containing the ids, names and populations of provinces, with a single row:

create table provinces (id INT, name VARCHAR(20), population INT);  
insert into provinces (id, name, population) values (1, 'alberta', 24);

Connector Application Source Code

An example of interaction with the afore created database using libpqxx is shown below, implemented within a main.cpp file. The implementation was conducted referencing source found on the libpqxx site [3] (under the 'Example' section). To successfully run the sample, manually replace 'PASSWORD' with the password given to the postgres user configured above:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>

#include <pqxx/pqxx>

int main()
  pqxx::connection c("dbname=db_test user=postgres password=PASSWORD");

    "INSERT INTO provinces (id, name, population) \
    VALUES ($1, $2, $3)");
    "SELECT * FROM provinces WHERE id = $1");
    "SELECT * FROM provinces WHERE name = $1");
    "UPDATE provinces SET population = population + 1 \
    WHERE id = $1");
    "DELETE FROM provinces WHERE id = $1");

    pqxx::work txn(c);
    pqxx::result res;

    int test_id = 9999;
    std::string test_name = "test name";
    int test_population = 50;

    // --- Create ---

      res = txn.prepared("read_by_id")(test_id).exec();

      if (res.size() == 0)
        std::cerr <<
          "No records with name " << test_name << ", were found." <<

        return -1;

      int province_id = res[0][0].as<int>();
      assert(province_id == test_id);

      std::string province_name = res[0][1].as<std::string>();
      assert( == 0);

      int province_population = res[0][2].as<int>();
      assert(province_population == test_population);

      std::cout << "Province #" << province_id <<
        ", has name: " << province_name <<
        ", and population: " << province_population << std::endl;

    // --- Update ---
      std::cout << "Updating province with id: " << test_id <<


      res = txn.prepared("read_by_id")(test_id).exec();

      int province_population = res[0][2].as<int>();
      assert(province_population == test_population + 1);

    // --- Delete ---

      res = txn.prepared("read_by_id")(test_id).exec();
      assert(res.size() == 0);


Compilation may be accomplished by invoking the following at a prompt:

g++ main.cpp -lpqxx -lpq

A copy of the source is available here.


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