Bits and Bytes

Notes from the deviant pursuits of a technical vagrant

Using Org-page to Publish to GitHub Pages in Spacemacs

Note: A lot of the steps described below were taken from here.

Install and Configure Org-page

Add org-page to additional-packages in the .spacemacs file.

Add the following to the user-config function in the .spacemacs file:

(require 'org-page)
(setq op/repository-directory "/path/to/repository")
(setq op/site-domain "")
(setq op/personal-github-link "")
(setq op/site-main-title "Blog Title")
(setq op/site-sub-title "Blog Subtitle")
(setq op/personal-disqus-shortname "shortname")

Creating a New Repository

Run op/new-repository by pressing SPC SPC op/new-repository. When prompted, specify the path at which the repository should be created.

Creating a New Post

Run op/new-post by pressing SPC SPC op/new-post. Respond to the prompts accordingly.

Publishing a Post

Set the remote in the git repository of the blog:

git remote add origin
git remote -v

Note that org-page does not automatically commit new posts to git; posts need to be committed manually on the source branch prior to running the following command.

Run op/do-publication by pressing SPC SPC op/do-publication. In response to the subsequent prompts, press y, n, y, y.


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